Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Favorite Rising Star

My Boss' son Rory Brady was chosen as one of Orange County's Rising Stars for 2010. Rory has always been a rising star in my eyes...a very special person!
These awards reconize individuals between the ages of 21 and 40 who are up and coming leaders in the professional and volunteer lives.
Nominees must work and live and volunteer in Orange County. Selection was based on the individual's professional and voluteer activities demonstrated leadership and the impact that they have had on their organization or community. They are judged by and independent panel from a diverse pool of canidates for this anual award.
The winners will be recognized at an awards breakfast on December 14th at Anthony's Pier 9. There will be a keynote speaker and the program is hosted by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce and the Junior League of Orange County and Leadership Orange.

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