Sunday, January 30, 2011

More Bracelets....

Dressy or sporty....a bracelet can add to your couture....

My first one has black jet and beautiful Rhinestone accents which are so popular these days....the next one is more sporty and done like the popular birth stone bracelets you see in all the catalogs that cost a fortune...very inexpensive to make and adds lovely color to any outfit!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Inspirational Quote....

"Live simply, Love Generously, Care deeply, speak kindly,....Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....It's about learing to dance in the rain...."

Friday, January 28, 2011


Some of us don't really like to wear necklaces....bracelets are a great idea to dress up any can even make a watch or two to match your different outfits!

The first one starting from the left is an assortment of differnt sporty beads for dressing down with jeans etc.
The second on is a lovely dressy pearl woven bracelet great for evening wear!
The third one...a really nice watch with fabulous crystal accents which can be done in many colors or a monochromatic effect.
Last, but not least Lapis and Pearls....two of my most favorite gems!

Send me an e-mail if you would like some private lessons to create some fabulous jewelry to dress up your everyday or evening couture!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Budding New Band.....

My friend Christine shared on her blog a challenge to create an album cover....tried it out and used for the first is my result.

Not too hard to do....try it for the fun of it.

We'll have to see how it does on the charts!

1. Go to Wikipedia and from the left sidebar choose Random Article. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2. Go to The Quotations Page and from the left sidebar choose Random Quotes. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3. Go to Flickr and click on Interesting photos from the last 7 days. The third picture no matter what it is, will be your album cover
4. Using Photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.

Thinking Spring!

I know that there are seven and a half weeks left of the winter and that spring will be coming soon after....

I am being very hopeful today and thinking spring....enjoy this peach iris....I am looking forward to seeing it in my garden again real soon!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jewelry Continued...

Another necklace...this one is done in black jet and red glass with a marble red heart....fitting for the up coming Valentine's Day day or evening. Suitable for casual or fancy occasions.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Jewelry.....

It seems that this will be jewelry week for is a fun one I made with Jet & Amber....

This is a very long necklace that would look great on a sweater or with a hangs very gracefully.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Here are a few examples of some of the necklaces that I have made with the bracelets that accompany them.
When I first started beading, I wasn't sure I was going to like I find it very relaxing and theraputic....

This first one was three strands which taper into one with a fancy closure hook & loop ... works for a fancy occasion or just over a turtleneck....

This next one is made of Blue Glass and Quartz
double strands and a fancy hook and loop closure...
Would go
nicely with that summer tan!

bracelets to correspond with the two necklaces shown....

Would you be interested in making jewelry and like some lessons? Send me an e-mail we can do something at your convenience:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Quote for the day....

Luck is the residue of design....
~Branch Richey

Friday, January 21, 2011

Interesting Cold Weather Picture

Love the Colors of this picture....nature can't beat it~

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Snow Funny!

Here is an industrious guy hanging out in the snow! I think it would better to hang out in the house and watch a real TV where it is warm and the snacks are better!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More "Snow Funnies"

Again courtesy of my friend some more e-mail pictures for a little humor as the snow has started here again!

A guys gotta do what a guys gotta do....signal for more beer and when the electric goes off...keep your supply on hand cold!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More "Snow Funnies"....

maybe these guys will cheer us up and have us think of warmer weather...or at least a cool run on the slopes....
Humor is the best medicine anyway!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow funnies.....

Well most of my friends have complained about the snow and their frustration with it all....I am inclined to agree with everyone's complaints etc.
A friend sent me some "Snow Funnies" via e-mail that I will be sharing when appropriate...
This poor snow man is clearly at the end of his rope.....yikes....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wild Turkey...

Some days are just an adventure...these two turkeys were part of mine yesterday...while driving along a back road yesterday these two guys thought my car looked interesting...and almost crashed into me! Not sure who was more scared or nervous me or them!
They decided to land in the field next to the road and pose while their posse of buddies scrambled into the under growth...I was just glad not to have bird remains on my car or feathers flying all over...I can only suppose they were too~!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another home made present....

My friend Karen has a birthday in December just before Christmas...normally we don't exchange presents...this year I just couldn't resist making her this red scarf to go with her red and black coat ... and her new red leather gloves that she treated herself to after Christmas! I was really pleased that she liked it and it was just the right shade of red to match her coat....sometimes I surprise myself!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Quote for the Day....

Save the's the only planet with Chocolate!
~Author Unknown

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Interesting pictures

I love this picture of a fire rainbow....doesn't happen very often. I received this from a friend and I just think it is so cool.

Another picture from a friend indicating a temperature lower than what we are expecting tonight...we are supposed to have a -7 degrees...this thermometer is indicating -40 brrrrrrr

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another Snowy Day....

These two pictures were shot outside the front door of my office....I looked over to see the sun peeking over the roof of the church and it just looked so watery...couldn't resist snapping the shot!
I love the look of snow on the trees...softens everything...throw in an old fashioned street lamp...made for a pretty picture in my minds eye...this was also taken outside my office front door.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Art work of M.C. Escher

I watched the movie Inception last night....very interesting...
some of the Art Work depicted was done by M.C. Escher. Here are two examples of that art work...I loved all the details...the first one is called St.Peters and the second is called know I love waterfalls....I just adore all the intricacies of his work absolutely amazing.
Check out this website:
for more information regarding this artist.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A little snow on the waterfall

I like this little waterfall and have posted it it has some snow and looks even prettier with this additional adornment....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Morning After the Snow

Driving past a horse farm....this pretty tree with it's snow covered limbs and the sun behind it caught my eye...not crystally just soft and peaceful looking....

Friday, January 7, 2011

A little snow & ice...

Today was an interesting day starting off with early snow cancelling schools...not work just schools....lucky for kids, bad for people who have to get to their jobs....
as much as it's a pain in the neck, arms, shoulders etc when we are clearing the driveways and cars in order to be sure looks pretty on the trees and in this case icing up on the Wallkill River.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Feast of the Epiphany

I figure that this is the last day to post a Holiday picture....The Feast of the Epiphany....This picture was taken locally....I thought that the house was
done up so elegantly!

Such a Pretty was alittle windy so it was slightly difficult to get a good
steady shot...pretty none the less....

All the trees in the driveway are decorated with white made it seem like it would feel quite regal
to enter here!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More Home made gifts.....

Finally caught up with my friend Dianne this weekend and we were able to exchange gifts....Dianne recently got herself a beautiful black coat....I thought that this softly colored yarn would make a great scarf for her and go well with her new coat....she agreed!
She in turn gave me a beautiful Cake Cookbook by world renowned cake decorator Toba Garrett and she even had it inscribed and signed by Toba!
How special was that?!!! I am super lucky!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Home Made Gifts

I got to see my little buddy Dylan the other day to give him his Christmas gifts....
He is a funny little man and very delightful to be around.
This hat and scarf along with a Thomas the Train dinnerware set made his day....he in turns smiles and says thank you and it makes my day!

"He is a very good boy according to Santa, and very handsome too!"

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sparkling Waters

Another view of a waterfalls...these pictures were taken on the bridge near Cornwall on Rte 32...lots of free flowing sparkling water and chunks of ice....made for an interesting photo or two.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I am truly fond of quotes, I found two for the New Year:

In the New Year may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, but never in want....
~Irish Toast

A toast to the past & a toast to our friends, far & near...
May the further be pleasant, The past a bright dream...
May our friends remain faithful and dear.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Sunrise

Well it's a new year! It was worth getting up early this morning to capture these pictures!!!
The sun came up with such a warm red glow! No matter how many Sunrises I see....I am still in awe of the beauty of them all!

The further up the sun came the more fiery the ball and glow it created and cast for us to enjoy!

The Fiery glows turns more golden this picture was taken from another aspect and location...
None of the pictures shown herein were retouched....nothing but pure God work here~
Hopefully everyone had a happy and healthy evening last night! I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!